Shopping at the store may seem like a safe activity, but in reality you are exposed to millions of dangerous bacteria. Shops are places where there is a large concentration of people and when you touch various objects, you get a lot of germs on your body. One study showed that placing children in grocery shopping carts has been implicated recently as a source of infection with Salmonella and Campylobacter in young children.

Where are the most bacteria in stores?

Shopping baskets are not the only source of bacteria. The portal, which examined the presence of bacteria in more than 100 stores in various US states, conducted an extensive study of bacteria in stores. The study examined the occurrence of bacteria in four different stores: traditional, budget, superstore, and upscale. One of the biggest sources of bacteria is shopping baskets, and below you can see how many bacteria are on shopping baskets.


The important information is that most bacteria on the surface of shops pose a danger to humans. These are mainly gram-negative rods, gram-positive rods, yeasts and bacilli. Below you can see the exact composition of the bacteria and the dangers they pose.


Unpackaged food and freezer doors are also a breeding ground for bacteria

In some stores, a huge occurrence of bacteria was found on the surface of unpackaged food, namely 5,666,667 CFU / sq. in. Large amounts of bacteria have also been found on refrigerator doors in stores. Below you can see a detailed comparison of the occurrence and composition of bacteria in different types of stores.

It is important not to underestimate the threat of bacteria in stores. When shopping, do not touch the mouth, eyes or other mucous membranes, as this could lead to easy transmission of bacteria. If you go to the store for just a few things, it is not always necessary to take a shopping cart. Hygiene is important, after returning from the store you should always wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap.

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