The tiger is the largest feline and an impressive creature known to people all around the world. Around 100 years ago, more than 100,000 of these beasts lived in the wild; however, with the increasing hunting, there was a massive decline in their numbers, and the current population reaches only 3900 tigers. In total, there were nine species of tigers (Bengal, Siberian, Indo-Chinese, South Chinese, Sumatran, Malayan, Caspian, Javan and Bali tigers) who lived in 13 countries. Of these nine species, only six have survived to the present; the Caspian, Javan and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

Increasing the number of tigers

In 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia, hosted the Tiger Summit, which had the sole objective of increasing the number of tigers to prevent their extinction. Governments from different countries (Nepal, Russia, India and Bhutan) have committed themselves to make every effort to double their population by 2022.

Fantastic success with tigers in Nepal

During the National Conservation Day (September 23rd, 2018), Nepal told the good news that they had managed to increase the population of tigers from 121 individuals to 235; thus, they almost double the original population before the year 2022. Nepal is the habitat of rare Bengal tigers. The latest numbers show that their numbers should continue to increase.

Why tigers are dying out

The reason for the extinction of tigers is their constant hunting and loss of natural habitat. They are a demanded item, especially in traditional medicine. In Nepal, tigers roam in parks that occupy only 7% of the state territory. Currently, Nepal is trying to combat poaching by working with various communities and provides them with 400 units and drones controlling areas where the tigers live. In Nepal, people are trying to save not only tigers but also other animals, such as rhinos. Currently, most tigers live in India, where more than 2200 tigers live freely.