Smoking e-cigarettes is still hazardous to your health. Instead of traditional nicotine, electronic cigarettes contain a liquid form of nicotine, colled e-liquid. This is still an extremely addictive form of nicotine. As the battery heats the eCig it releases...
Suicide is an extreme problem of worldwide population. Just very few people realise the extent of the problem. Stigma, predjudice, stress, discrimination and social inequality can lead to higher rates of suicide. Males die by suicide four times often...
Do you know that 24% employees work 6 or more extra hours per week without pay? 39% of people work more than 40 hours per week a typycal workweek. What is all of this doing to our bodies? 44%...
Arthritis is one of the oldest known diseases. It has beendiscovered in the remains of our ancestors who lived more than 500.000 years ago. This disease is a big problem also in tha US, where 1 in 5 adults...
The Moscow Times is a daily periodical issued in Russia; it is written in English language. Many interesting articles concerning Russia and its history and contemporary problems are published here. In the course of the year 2017, centenary of the...
Over 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year worldwide. Critical situation has long been in the Philippines. It is one of the countries worldwide with the highest prevalence rates of cancer. By an average of 12 Filipinos die...
Statistics of Alzheimer’s disease in the USA are really shocking. Alzheimer's is a condition thatcauses problems with memory thinking and behaviour - it is the most common form of dementia. In the USA alone, it is estimated that around...
Zika is a dangerous viral infection spread by mosquites, it is possible to get zika also through sexual transmission and mother to fetus during pregnancy. Zika is enormly dangerous viral disease, which has been known to humankind for a...
More than 65% of Americans are overweight to obese. The guilt is mainly eating through fast food. Surveys show that 90% of men in the US have visited McDonalds in the last 3 months. Credit:
Do you know that more than half of people do not wash their hands after riding public transportation, after using shared excercise equipment or handling money? On average, you come in contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing...
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