Do you know that more than half of people do not wash their hands after riding public transportation, after using shared excercise equipment or handling money? On average, you come in contact with 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing...
The Chinese company Tencent plans to build its city, where its employees will work and live. The two million square kilometer project is provisionally called Net City. It will provide a home for up to 80,000 inhabitants in an...
There is a sharp increase in the number of homeless people in the world. Becoming homeless is easy, but getting back into normal life is very difficult. While in some cities the homeless are not helped, in the American...
Moira Risen grew up in a family where everyone was well aware of the growing problems of the polluted environment. The whole family tried to do everything in their power to naturally mitigate the harmful effects of their lives...
The gigantic Clearview databank with biometric facial data can identify any person on the street almost immediately. US Police officers successfully tested the application. But experts warn the abuse possibility and ask about privacy. "When I put my photo into...
Mushrooms are widely used in many industries, from the food industry to the pharmaceutical industry. In recent years, biodegradable products such as clothing and dishes have been of interest to many companies in a wide range of industries. A...
Suicide slides between the 9th and 10th leading cause of death. It causes more deaths than strokes, infections, Alzheimer's disease, pneumonia, injury, hypertension, and the list stretches on. Suicide is currently the 10th leading cause of death in 2016....
Many people thought that the future of humanity would look like a narrowing of the gap between rich and poor. Unfortunately, this is an impossible dream. The gap between rich and poor is still large. The advent of the...
Can you imagine eating meat with a clear conscience, knowing that no animal had to die so that you could eat it. This imagination will soon become reality thanks to cultured meat. This meat is produced by in vitro cultivation of animal...
Do you know what is autism? Autism is a lifelong condition. There is no cure but early diagnosis and the right support can ensure that people can live fulfilling lives. More than 99% of the public said they have...
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