Do you know what astronauts eat in space? Like humans on earth, humans in space need to regularly eat nutrient-rich foods. As the conditions in the universe are different, the food must be specially prepared and must also be...
Can you imagine an inflatable building that holds its shape perfectly? Today’s inflatable structures are monostable (they need a constant input of pressure in order to maintain their inflated state). This type of structure is used for a wide...
Packed supplies for longer journeys in space will not be enough. Scientists are looking for ways to grow fresh fruits and vegetables outside Earth so people can be sent to Mars. NASA will test the breeding plant at the...
The James Webb Space Telescope has been hugely popular, but a much better competitor is growing in the Atacama Desert. It is called the Giant Magellan Telescope and it will be the most advanced telescope in the world. It...
An archaeological survey in Austria has uncovered artifacts from the Bronze Age, including a golden cult bowl with a sun emblem. The discovery was made near the town of Ebreichsdorf, where a new railway is planned. Bronze Age Artefacts Archaeologists from...
Mining Machinery Developments (MMD) builds innovative mining equipment. Now they create machine that can eat landmines. MMD cooperates with HALO Trust. HALO Trust is non-profit organization which removes debris left behind by war, in particular land mines. So receptive, in...
Scientists have developed a robotic fish, an imitation of a predator, to fight overgrown mosquitofish. This small freshwater fish was intentionally spread to many parts of the world to eat mosquito larvae. But Mosquitofish also disproportionately eliminates other small...
Under the term of steak, most of us imagine a piece of juicy meat that has its irreplaceable taste and texture. But what if you don't want or can't eat meat for some reason? Students from the University of...
The moon is now a place where the US, Russia and China will compete fiercely. China has big ambitions in space, planning a large space station as well as bases on the moon. Now China has made a fascinating...
Today, clothing is made from many sustainable materials, such as bamboo, recycled plastics, pine or hemp. Researchers are still looking for materials that would provide even better properties. Can you imagine clothes made of muscle fibers? It is not...
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