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Tech & science

Thanks to modern technology, we can observe in detail how plants breathe. It looks like a scene from another world, but this is how all plants on this planet breathe. It is a process without which there would be...
Companies around the world are replacing human workers with artificial intelligence robots. The number of intelligent machines is growing rapidly, and if you think that they are only used in warehouses or for delivering parcels, you are wrong. Artificial...
When a natural disaster occurs, it is important to provide people not only with medical assistance, but also with food. Transporting food is very complicated in the case of inaccessible and remote areas. Edible drones that can deliver food...
The FDA has approved Upside Foods' lab-grown meat for the first time in history. What once seemed like science fiction is now becoming a reality - eating meat without killing an animal. The new way of eating and obtaining...
Many people today are troubled by high electricity expenses. Electricity doesn't have to be expensive, in fact anyone can easily make it. Many people around the world do not have access to electricity. Many people also suffer from power...
PFAS are used by industry in many sectors mainly for their water-repellent and grease-resistant properties. However, the forever chemicals have become a major societal problem due to their harmful effects. Using a simple and inexpensive process, scientists can break...
About 66 million years ago, the Earth was hit by an asteroid that landed on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. This impact had disastrous consequences - it caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. The asteroid's fall caused a huge tsunami...
The current form of our planet will not last forever, because the lithospheric plates are constantly moving. Although they move very slowly, they do not stop, so in millions of years the continents will not look like we know...
In the past, cloning was only science fiction, today it is commonly practiced. Chinese biotech company Sinogene has succeeded in cloning an arctic wolf. According to some scientists, cloning may become a hope for endangered species that are at...
After several months of research, NASA's Perseverance prover, which is looking for potential signs of life on the red planet, has discovered organic substances in the Mar's rock. However, scientists are waiting for a significant find when it comes...
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