London and Shanghai are two great cities both facing the imminent threat that weather could bring to their economies. Due to global warming and a lack of sufficient foresight, these cities could be facing economic disaster. London Flooding Raises Flags The...
Scientists in India have discovered a strange fish resembling a snake. They call the primitive creature a living fossil. Eel-like fish live in the groundwater of southern India. New Snakehead Fish Species The body like a snake, the head like a...
Would you give your kids insects for lunch? Probably not. This year The World Economic Forum promoted the EU's new plan to use mealworms in food in their bid to reduce meat consumption. Globalists try to push the idea...
The gradual change of climate in Europe brings several risks, including heatwaves, rising temperatures, and unexpected floods. Scientist Freja Vamborg outlines the assumptions of what the climate in Europe will look like in 30 years. Data Collection to Determine the...
The population of villages in many European countries is shrinking. It is a disaster for the local people, and due to the declining population density, basic services such as food sales are disappearing from the villages. The operation of...
Seagrass is one of the most important organisms on our planet, it can capture and store carbon, purify water, protect the coast and strengthen marine life. The project, which explored the possibilities of restoring marine life in the bays...
The high rise in homelessness is burdening Europe. The European Union is building a platform to help the Member States eradicate homelessness in just eight years. The platform should be the key to success. The Action Plan for the...
The number of homeless people is constantly increasing and many cities are trying to solve this social problem in an innovative way. Above all, the homeless need a suitable place to sleep and hide from the winter. Not every...
Humans significantly interfere with the lives of sea creatures. Not only pollution and noise, but also underwater power cables have a negative effect on them. A new study has found that underwater power cables create an electromagnetic field that...
Large protest action "Big rebellion for life" was held on 12th October. Extinction Rebellion took place at the Wenceslas square which was changed into a friendly space opened to meeting, art and creativity. An important part of Extinction Rebellion's...
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