Africa is the second largest continent in the world, trailing behind only Asia, but, amazingly, a majority of the billion people living on the continnt survive every day with little to no access to electricity. Africa (30,3 million km²) is larger than the combination of China (9,6 million km²), the US (9,4 million km²), Western Europe (4,9 million km²), India (3,2 million km²) and Argentina (2,8 million km²), three Scandinavian countries and the British Isles.

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Some fascinating facts about Africa

Africa is home to a young and fast-growing consumer market – comparable to China and India. The average age of the population across Africa is 19 years. Africa has the youngest global population. Every year 11 million young Africans join the labour force over the next decade. Over 50% of population here is below 25 years old. Average life expectancy in Africa is 59 years – compared to 79 years in the US. With only 15% of the world´s people, Africa produces less than 5% of the carbon-dioxide emissions. Each American accounts for 20 times the emissions of each African.

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