On Monday, Beijing experienced the worst weather in the shape of a dust storm. This is the largest and strongest dust storm swept across china in a decade. The result was grounded hundreds of flights, closing schools and casting...
The World Meteorological Organization said Tuesday in its first annual State of Global Water Resources report that every region of the world suffered water extremes last year as the climate crisis intensified flooding and droughts, inflicting deadly damage on the most heavily impacted...
The pharmaceutical industry is polluting the environment more than automotive, and it also contributes significantly to global warming. Direct proportionality applies - smaller businesses produce fewer emissions than larger ones. A recent study conducted by EcoWatch to assess emissions has...
Hunger on one side, surplus on the other. One part of the world is sick of lack of food, the other part has illness due to overeating. For many of us food is a matter of course. Although world...
Large protest action "Big rebellion for life" was held on 12th October. Extinction Rebellion took place at the Wenceslas square which was changed into a friendly space opened to meeting, art and creativity. An important part of Extinction Rebellion's...
The recent discovery of coal dust at the Australian Great Barrier Reef has mobilised academics and environmentalists as well. An investigation into the nearby Hay Point port has begun in connection with this discovery as the harbour supplies tens...
The tiger is the largest feline and an impressive creature known to people all around the world. Around 100 years ago, more than 100,000 of these beasts lived in the wild; however, with the increasing hunting, there was a...
Smoking e-cigarettes is still hazardous to your health. Instead of traditional nicotine, electronic cigarettes contain a liquid form of nicotine, colled e-liquid. This is still an extremely addictive form of nicotine. As the battery heats the eCig it releases...
Seaweed is like the second lung of the planet, right after the Amazon rainforest. Where there are sea otters, there we can find seaweed and seagrass. Sea otter populations help ecosystems capture carbon. And prevent it from converting back...
In the past, the hedgehog belonged among widespread European creatures inhabiting the wild and cities. However, the European Hedgehog has almost disappeared in many regions. A significant decrease in hedgehogs has been recorded mainly in the United Kingdom and...
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