Australia plans to plant 1 billion trees by 2030. Australia is plagued by extreme heat and drought, and forest fires. Animals in this climate die, their numbers go to thousands. Australia is about to meet the objectives set by...
Naturalists drew attention to an overlooked "detail" - some fires are caused by burnt birds that ignite after contact with power lines. A new American study was able to describe several cases for the first time. World's Wildfires In 2014, a...
Most people consider shaving to be completely normal. The average person spends around 3000 hours of their life shaving. Razor market to be worth $22.5 billion by 2030, owing to increasing efforts by people to maintain their appearance. As...
The finding of a dead baobab was a shock to the inhabitants of the South African village. The tree lived with them for generations, providing food and medicine. The 1200-year-old baobab was not the only one that has fallen...
The researchers found that worker bees wear microplastics on their hairy legs in addition to pollen. And they suggest that bees be used to measure airborne microplastics. The effect of microplastics on bee colonies is unclear. According to a study...
The phenomenon of light pollution brings several issues. Greenhouse gas lights brighten the night sky. Gases create a light barrier that prevents us from seeing what could have been seen with the naked eye before - stars, constellations, the...
Plastics are among the most common waste and there is a large amount of them in the sea. There are already technologies that can turn plastics into oil. If ships collected plastics while sailing, they could turn them into...
Tiger sharks monitor unknown places on the ocean floor near the Bahamas. So scientists installed cameras on their fins. As a result, the research team discovered up to forty percent more sea meadows and other previously unknown sites. According...
Few people realize how few trees currently exist on planet Earth. The landscape around us has changed a lot, urbanization has taken its toll on it. Everywhere there are only cities, fields, houses, landscaped plots, parking lots or other...
European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) illustrates perfectly how the targeted eradication of one species can reduce an abundant animal to a critically endangered species. Ground squirrel is an important species of native steppe ecosystems. Once, the ground squirrel was...
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