The Japanese government has announced that radioactive water from the now-defunct Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will soon be released into the ocean after undergoing treatment. According to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), the release of more than one million tons...
The World Meteorological Organization said Tuesday in its first annual State of Global Water Resources report that every region of the world suffered water extremes last year as the climate crisis intensified flooding and droughts, inflicting deadly damage on the most heavily impacted...
Researchers documented 13 never-before-seen viruses that have been lying dormant, frozen in thick ice, over tens of thousands of years. As our world continues to warm up, vast areas of permafrost are rapidly melting, releasing material that's been trapped for up...
Carbon dioxide emissions are constantly increasing globally. Only Europe and China will slightly reduce them; in other countries, CO2 emissions are rising. The main reason is apparently the revival of the economy and tourism after the end of the...
Tiger sharks monitor unknown places on the ocean floor near the Bahamas. So scientists installed cameras on their fins. As a result, the research team discovered up to forty percent more sea meadows and other previously unknown sites. According...
Based on the experience with bacteria that can break down plastic, scientists from Mendele University, Czech Republic, want to use the potential of cyanobacteria for the same purpose in another part of the Earth - to remove plastic ocean...
Meat products are responsible for more than half of food-related greenhouse gas emissions. Beef from South America ranks among the most significant contributors to CO2 and methane. If an individual wants to reduce the food industry's impact on the...
The number of wild animals on the planet has decreased by two-thirds in the last 50 years. According to a report by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), the trend will continue due to pollution and the significant effects...
PFAS are used by industry in many sectors mainly for their water-repellent and grease-resistant properties. However, the forever chemicals have become a major societal problem due to their harmful effects. Using a simple and inexpensive process, scientists can break...
Coral reefs are a place that is teeming with life and attracts many marine animals. They are among the most important components of the marine ecosystem. Many coral reefs are dying en masse. Constant warming can lead to their...
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