At the beginning of the 20th century, the frozen Arctic glaciers belonged among the most mysterious areas and, at the same time, the fascinating natural phenomena. After over a hundred years of research, they are used as evidence of...
May 23rd is the World Day of Turtles, which has been celebrated since 2000. This particular day aims to draw attention to these inconspicuous creatures that are currently threatened with extinction. The campaign brings information to the people and...
In India, air pollution believed to cause 527.000 fatalities a year. Air pollution around cities is clearly visible from space. Major sources of air pollution are inefficient modes of transport, household fuel and waste burning, coal-fired power plants and...
The popularity of veganism and vegetarianism is growing as well as the interest in fashion and fashion accessories. There are still more people who prefer vegan cuisine, vegan shampoo or lipsticks. So why not to wear vegan leather? Vegan...
The tiger is the largest feline and an impressive creature known to people all around the world. Around 100 years ago, more than 100,000 of these beasts lived in the wild; however, with the increasing hunting, there was a...
About 2 million people with antibiotic resistance develop in the US annually. Consequently, about 1% of them die of the infection. Scientists need to understand how superbugs travel to control their spread. To find out the paths of contagion...
In common practice, it looks like we buy a product packed mostly in plastic. We unpack the product, use it, throw the packaging away. Nothing unusual. We are all used to it since we first opened our eyes to...
In the past, the hedgehog belonged among widespread European creatures inhabiting the wild and cities. However, the European Hedgehog has almost disappeared in many regions. A significant decrease in hedgehogs has been recorded mainly in the United Kingdom and...
What do you mean by agriculture? Many people imagine fertile fields where a variety of crops are grown. However, growing crops can take many forms. Italian scientists have accomplished something sensational. They managed to build the first underwater garden...
Hydroponic crop production is becoming increasingly popular. It turns out that in big cities, this is an opportunity to easily provide people with fresh crops. Architects from Carlo Ratti Associati designed a unique skyscraper, which will be 218 meters...
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