The U.S. Department of Energy has laid down new rules for light bulbs. The goal is clear: to save energy and thus reduce consumers' energy bills and reduce carbon emissions. According to the new standards, light bulbs must produce...
Seaweed is like the second lung of the planet, right after the Amazon rainforest. Where there are sea otters, there we can find seaweed and seagrass. Sea otter populations help ecosystems capture carbon. And prevent it from converting back...
The area around the equator is known for the greatest diversity of life. There are many species of corals, turtles, sharks, fish, stingrays and many other marine animals in the ocean. The more we head towards the Earth's poles,...
Records from more than forty years have shown how the role of small fish in the Baltic coastal ecosystem has changed recently. Barely a few cm long stickleback fish eats the fry of predators, which in adulthood measure several...
The phenomenon of light pollution brings several issues. Greenhouse gas lights brighten the night sky. Gases create a light barrier that prevents us from seeing what could have been seen with the naked eye before - stars, constellations, the...
Cigarette butts are among the most common types of waste. This waste can be found in the streets, but also in the nature. Every day, huge amounts of cigarette butts are produced all over the world, which do not...
Gabon is the first African country to receive a payment to reduce carbon emissions by protecting its rainforest. This small equatorial country is covered by more than 90% of the forest and captures more carbon dioxide than it produces....
Alstom introduces a zero-emission passenger train. The success is that the train is powered by hydrogen, and its performance is comparable to diesel units. In addition, it is quiet and cleverly treats energy. Green Trasport Industries need to take significantly reduce...
Why do we have to deal with global warming? This is mainly because the largest companies in the world are getting rich at the expense of the environment. Money always comes first in today's world. The reckless destruction of...
Cows from the basis of agriculture in most countries in the world, and farmers are constantly trying to develop new practices that would make their meat and milk as profitable as possible. A loathsome practice called fistulation is used...
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