The act of denying people to enjoying full right to education on the basis of age and gender. Being born in a humble family, struggled to make life forced to studying in long distant school with no chairs, due...
The average person is exposed to 5,000 advertisements every single day. In the 1970s, this number was at 500, but due to the rapid advancement of technology in our ever-changing world, it has increased tenfold, and it is quite...
Most people will come in contact with an executor or even be an executor at some time. When composing a will, a person may wonder who she should appoint as executor. If a person is named as an executor,...
How do you get food to people in under developed areas, suffering from poor harvest or lack of food? Brandi DeCarli and Scott Thompson came up with a solution. In cooperation with solar and irrigation companies, they have developed...
The media is oftentimes quiet about the negative impacts of people migrating predominantly from Muslim countries into Europe. However, many European countries, including Sweden, are facing problems that they have not encountered yet. In Sweden, the problem has escalated...
South Sudan remains an excellent case study of inherent human nature where ‘that which does not concern us, does not bother us.' It is an example of a human conflict where perpetrators are from within the country and abroad....
Who exactly is a millennial? Millennials are the children of baby boomers and older Gen X adults. They are characterised by, their date of birth (1980-2000), their liberal attitudes. And importantly the ubiquity of the internet in their world.
In India, air pollution believed to cause 527.000 fatalities a year. Air pollution around cities is clearly visible from space. Major sources of air pollution are inefficient modes of transport, household fuel and waste burning, coal-fired power plants and...
A spinal cord injuries (SCI) are damage to the spinal cord that causes temporary or permanent changes in its function. It can cause a range of symptoms, including weakness, loss of muscle function, and loss of sensation. There are...
Approx 1 in 3 fish caught for food might never be eaten. 3.2 billion people currrently rely on fish for almost 20% of their protein intake. Almost 35% of all fish caught is wasted. Mostly because some caught fish...